A TÜKI Zrt. Honlapja

Converter and ladle heating appliances

This special appliance is used in the metallurgy for heating of converters and ladles as well as burning out of the refractory wall of these appliances. For this purpose a special long-flame facility is applied. Its fuelling takes place generally with natural gas or, sometimes with other gases. These mentioned facilities are applied in horizontal or perpendicular position in the capacity range of 1-4 MW.

Burner is fixed on a special tilting mechanism, which allows the required moving to the throat of the converter and turning the burner mouth to the converter. The flue gas leaving the burner penetrates to the space of the converter and generating intensive flow, making possible this way the uniform heat distribution. The operation of burner takes place from the control room by remote control.

For operation of the burner 20% of the total as condensed air supply is required. The rest which is needed for the combustion will ejected from its neighbourhood. These special firing appliances can work on ventilation combustion air supply, or such versions can be also manufactured, which are fuelled partly with enriched oxygen supply.

The firing facility with perpendicular flame axis is protected with a refractory wall from the hot flue gases discharging from the internal space. This umbrella also provides a closing for the throat of the ladle ensuring in this way better efficiency conditions.

The advantage of oxygen enrichment system over conventional ones is that this facility can provide higher flame temperatures resulting shorter processing time.

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Ladle heating facility of horizontal arrangement with oxygen enrichment
Ladle heating facility of horizontal arrangement with oxygen enrichment

Flame geometry of the ladle heating facility with oxygen enrichment
Flame geometry of the ladle heating facility with oxygen enrichment

Gas burner for converter heating
Gas burner for converter heating

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